Biel and Lens Tempered Glass Pricing

Should Cost Financial Model

Biel Crystal (伯恩) and Lens Technology are primarily cover glass providers for mobile, tablet, and IT devices.  We detail cover glass pricing in the below whitepaper. Supply average pricing is used in our Cost Model and to assist in your supply chain negotiations.

A 5.5” cover glass display average price can be modeled by the following calculation:

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Excel Cost calculator for OLED and LCD displays.  Model includes historical and forecasted costs by input materials, supplier fab, display size, yield, overheads, and substrate type.  Full research article access.  The Model also includes industry capacity by supplier fab.



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Excel Cost calculator for OLED and LCD displays.  Model includes historical and forecasted costs by input materials, supplier fab, display size, yield, overheads, and substrate type.  Full research article access.  The Model also includes industry capacity by supplier fab.